Wellbeing services 

As well as our focused groups and courses, we also provide regular, drop-in wellbeing sessions which are free to attend.

Drop-in sessions

Our drop-in sessions provide a safe space for you to get some support from our Wellbeing Coaches and meet other people with similar experiences. We get together in Maidstone three times a week and as well as chatting together, there is usually the opportunity to take part in activities such as board games, quizzes and puzzles. In 2025, we will also be launching new drop-in sessions in Ashford.

Where and when do sessions take place?

From the 1st April 2025, we will be meeting at our Wellbeing Centre, 23 College Road, Maidstone on:

  • Tuesdays from 10am  to 12pm
  • Fridays from 1pm to 3pm

We also meet at the Riverside Café in Ashford from 29th January, on:

  • Wednesdays from 10am to 12pm

If you have questions about our wellbeing support, please contact us. You may also be interested in our Singing for Wellbeing Group.